Checksum Utility

OS X 10.9
Nordcode’s Checksum Utility calculates and compares checksums (also known as hash values) on your Mac. WHY CHECKSUMS ARE USEFUL • Is my backup working? Compare a file with it’s backup. • Is my harddisk damaged? Compare a file with it’s checksum from a year ago. • Is my RAM corrupt? Compare an important file with it’s duplicate. • Is this downloaded file compromised? Compare a file with it’s checksum on a webpage. FEATURES • Supported checksum algorithms: CRC 32, MD5, SHA 1 and MD2, MD4, SHA 2: SHA 224, SHA 256, SHA 384 and SHA 512. • Save a calculated checksum as .checksum file. • Compare a file on disk, a .checksum file and a manually entered checksum in any combination. • Guesses what algorithm a given checksum might be created with. • You can test the correctness of Checksum Utility with zero-length checksums on your own. • Substantial in-app help to let you know, what to do. • Supports drag and drop. • Checksums can be copied / pasted. • 100% hand crafted native Mac application. Tip: Checksum Utility is made to calculate and compare single checksums. If you want to calculate and compare the checksums of all files in a folder, please take a look at Checksum Folders in the Mac App Store, it is made specifically for this purpose.