Checkers and Draughts

OS X 10.7
14 different variants of Checkers/Draughts from all over the world in one game ! Checkers or Draughts, as it is known in Great Britain, has ancient roots. It is thought that the earliest form of checkers was a game discovered in an archeological dig at Ur in Iraq. Carbon dating makes it appear that this game was played around 3000 B.C. However, the game used a slightly different board, a different number of pieces and no one is quite certain of the exact rules. In Ancient Egypt a game called Alquerque, which had a 5X5 board was a common and much played game. Historians have traced it as far back as 1400 B.C. It was a game of such popularity that it was played all over the western world for thousands of years. Around 1100 a Frenchman got the idea of playing the game on a chess board. This meant expanding the number of pieces to 12 on a side. It was then called "Fierges" or "Ferses". It was soon found that making jumps mandatory made the game more challenging. The French called this version "Jeu Force". The older version was considered more of a social game for women and was called "Le Jeu Plaisant De Dames". Now the rules for checkers were set and the game was exported to England and America. In Great Britain the game was called "Draughts". Books were written on the game in Spain as early as the mid 1500's and in England a mathematician name William Payne wrote his own treatise on Draughts in 1756. Over the years, many countries developed their own version of checkers/draughts and adjusted the rules, board size and color of pieces. They all share the same principal of rules, but added new rules or modified existing ones. In Checkers and Draughts you find a variety of different checkers/draught games from all over the world. You can play the games either against the computer, other player on the same device or you can connect to other devices (iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad) through the bluetooth connection and play against players on other devices. available boards/rules in this game: - American Checkers - Philippines Draughts - Pool Checkers - International Draughts - Italian Checkers - Frisian Checkers - Russian Draughts 8x8 - Russian Draughts 10x8 - Brazilian Draughts - Spanish Checkers - Malaysian Checkers 8x8 - Malaysian Checkers 10x10 - Canadian Draughts 12x12 - Malaysian Checkers 12x12