CDL Test (Commercial Driver’s License)

OS X 10.8
Pass your written Commercial Driver's License (CDL) test. CDL Test has over 353 test questions with multi-choice answers and over 105 questions with traffics signs. CDL Test simulates the written test and at the end presents you a detailed score which you can e-mail yourself. Questions are presented in random order and will not be repeated in same test. Latest test scores are saved automatically. CDL Test contains questions for all types of Commercial Vehicles including truck, bus, trailer. WHATS IN: CDL Test contains all of the categories one needs to study to pass the written test, which include, 1. Rules of the road 2. Speed Limits 3. Traffic Lanes 4. Turns 5. Safe Driving Practices 6. Signaling 7. Sharing the road with other vehicles 8. Parking 9. Miscellaneous