Camtinerary for Mac is ideal for viewing the map of your trip on a large screen and using the mouse to use interface elements that are not feasible on iOS.
Camtinerary for Mac's feature list:
* Be free from annoying requests for your email address or a Facebook/Twitter sign in!
* Trips are uploaded anonymously, ensuring your privacy. No login is required and no personal information is collected that you do not volunteer.
* Browse a growing library of itineraries encompassing everything from vacations to a single night out to treasure hunts.
* Upload your own itineraries to share with other Camtinerary users including photos, comments in the notes and web links.
* Search hotels, restaurants, attractions and shopping aggregated from Yelp, TripAdvisor, FourSquare, Expedia, Zomato and Apple Maps.
* Create a detailed itinerary sorted by date and time, automatically displaying driving/walking time shown from place to place.
* Get directions from hotel to restaurant and back or to any other destination.
* See dynamic web photos shown of places for a raw, uncurated view of destinations.
* See Google Street View shown in quick photos of North, South, East and West exposures.
* Add personal photos and website links for each place.
* Search for street address.
* Drop pins manually to create your own places in the itinerary such as a favorite beach or mountain top.
* Create map pins with labels so identification does not require a cross-reference.
* Sort search results by rating or distance from the map's center.
* Perform integrated web searches for more details of places.
* Cut, Copy and Paste places from day to day of your trip.
* Share itineraries or search results in a PDF file via text message or email.
* Enjoy full privacy protection. Data and search history exists only on your device and cannot be traced to you from the cloud.
* Use iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and soon Apple TV versions.
* Use Twitter integration allows you to read tweets on restaurants, hotels and other hot spots.