OS X 10.6.6
Buildron - Your builds, our world! WHAT IS IT? Buildron is an app from developers to developers. Are you a developer? No, so take a look on our game Ships N' Battles, you will enjoy it a much more than Buildron. Well, are you still here? Oh... maybe you are a developer, or a geek... maybe both! Buildron is what people like to call as a radiator, a Continous Integration Radiator, but we took a more immersive approach than the tradicional Continous Integration Radiators out there. WHY USE IT? As Martin Fowler said about CI: "Everyone can see what's happening Continuous Integration is all about communication, so you want to ensure that everyone can easily see the state of the system and the changes that have been made to it. One of the most important things to communicate is the state of the mainline build. ...Many teams like to make this even more apparent by hooking up a continuous display to the build system - lights that glow green when the build works, or red if it fails are popular." Be sure that the whole team knowns the state of your builds is very important part o Continous Integration. HOW IT LOOKS LIKE? Nowadays we have a lot of options of Continous Integrations Servers, like TeamCity, CruiseControl and Jenkins. All this amazing servers have a page that display the state of your builds, but .... we must be honest … it's so simple! We wanna something more interactive, more visual and, what not, more FUN! Buildron is a 3D environment where each of your build configuration became a Totem. Each Totem display some information of the build, like project name and configuration, last user that has triggered the build, and, of course, the state of build: success, running, failed and queued. Each user on the IC Server will became a 3D avatar on the environment, a little robot that raise the arms when the build go success or put hans on head when the build failed. Buildron uses Gravatar (http://www.gravatar.com), so you can put your photo close to the avatar (the e-mail used on CI Server will be used). WHICH CI SERVERS ARE SUPPORTED? The current version Buildron supports Hudson, Jenkins and TeamCity servers, but we have developed using good design patterns, like Abstract Factory and so on. We just need to implement news factories for the others CI Servers. So, what will be next server supported by Buildron? You can help to choose! All you need to do is vote on our pool: http://skahal.com/buildron. HOW CAN I INTERACT WITH IT? Would you like to interact with Buildron? Take a look on Buildron RC on App Store, Mac App Store and Google Play. Buildron RC is a remote control app for Buildron where you can: ✓ Filter the builds by status or build name ✓ Start or stop a build ✓ Sort builds by name and status ✓ Zoom in and zoom out ✓ Get closer to the builds history totem ✓ Share Buildron screenshots on Twitter It's fun, you should try. Oh, we need to warm you: there is some easter eggs to be found here... Free your mind ;) I LIKE THE IDEA, WHAT'S NEXT? Well, since Buildron is free, why don’t give it a shoot? Downloat and put it to run, your team will see the Continous Integration with a different way. Help us to popularize Buidlron, spread the world in the social networks, blogs, friends, etc. If you like taking a picture from your TV or monitor running Buildron: send to us! We will appreciate to see this and put your Buildron picture on our gallery at http://skahal/buildron. Buildron, because the builds must go on ... and you should know how!