BSL Signed Songs for Children

OS X 10.5
THIS DOES NOT CURRENTLY WORK ON IPHONE 6 PLUS. WE ARE TRYING TO RESOLVE THIS. MANY APOLOGIES Children love to sing and sign. This App gives them the opportunity to learn the signs to some favourite songs and nursery rhymes. Presented by Scarlett. It contains well known children’s songs. Contents Twinkle Fingers warm up Jingle Twinkle twinkle little star London Bridge is falling down Ten fat sausages Music Man Miss Polly had a dolly Daisy, Daisy When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears The wheels on the bus Row row row your boat Baa Baa Black sheep 5 Little monkeys Alphabet song Look out for all of our other Twinkle Fingers BSL apps that will be hitting the app store very shortly. For the DVD version visit Features a movable controls while in full screen mode