BSL Level 1 Step 3

OS X 10.6
BSL LEVEL ONE, Step Three; This is the final App in the Level one series. Used together with Step one and two, this app completes all the learning material needed for a good basic knowledge of sign language, enabling the learner to communicate with a native BSL user on a range of simple every day topics such as names, addresses, family, hobbies, the weather etc. All three apps - step one, two and three cover the level one curriculum as set out by the nationally recognised awarding body for sign language qualifications in the UK. This interactive App includes: Signs for days of the week, months and time lines, Directions, Work, Hobbies, Things in the home and garden, Pets and animals, Emotions and feelings. 3 fingerspelling tests 3 short stories Each section teaches new vocabulary, followed by a conversation incorporating it and/or someone signing a presentation using the newly taught vocab. At the end of the app are the fingerspelling tests and the three short stories. These stories use vocabulary learned from Step 1, 2, and 3. Like all the other BSL Apps When viewed in fullscreen your able to move your controls around to position them where you like.