
OS X 10.9
A unique approach to file renaming. Select the files to be renamed, drop them in the window (or use right-click -> Open in BR-Renamer), and start editing like in any normal text editor. But unlike a normal text editor, BR-Renamer allows multiple cursors and block selections. Making it is possible to insert/replace text in all filenames simultaneously, resulting in an extremely quick renaming action. Finally you can clean up that folder with hundreds (or more?) files! Special features: - Can read text tags from supported files and insert these tags into the file name - Inserting a sequentially increasing number on each line with only two mouse-clicks, using leading zero's if desired. - Select text simultaneously in all lines. - Using a regular expression for text selection with live updating of the screen while typing the regular expression. - A special status column informs about possible naming conflicts. - Use of right-click (or ctrl-click) in each column for extra options. - Extensive undo/redo support. - Copy/Paste works on multiple lines (cyclic paste buffer). - Modify the filenames and review the result before committing the changes. - Help topics available.