Bookmarks|Passwords Lite Version

OS X 10.6
This App allows you to bookmark your favorite websites and store your Login Names and Passwords for your favorite websites. You can share bookmarks or websites with Friends by clicking the 'Share bookmarks' button -it's that simple! You can store Notes with your Bookmarks to help you remember why you bookmarked the website in the first place! You can search websites bookmarked and even preview the websites before opening them. We also provide a free plug-in for Safari which you can use to instantly bookmark the website you are surfing with our app. Next time you find an interesting website and want to let a friend know about it, there's no need to compose an email and copy paste website address and info in the email, Simply click the Bookmarks|Passwords plug-in and click the 'Share bookmark' button. It's that simple ! This is the Lite version of Bookmarks|Passwords, some features are limited.