- 快速查找重复书签
- 一键删除所有重复书签
- 从列表中选择删除
- 一键排序所有书签
- 前置文件夹
- 删除无用的空文件夹
- 合并同名文件夹
- 根据文件夹中搜索标准移动书签
- 专业翻译和母语
macOS High Sierra ready!
"Finally!... In five minutes I got rid of over 2000 duplicates that accumulated over years... Thank you to the developer." - The_Mama_Bear
"Does exactly what it says it will do. I used this application and deleted almost 500 duplicate bookmarks. Easy, clean and efficient. A fantastic app!" - p_cruicks
"Long time i was looking to cleaning my safari tab,more than 1000 doubles,work very well." - mokori06
"Excellent! Years of bookmarks collected, now cleaned out and organized! Exactly what Safari needs. The GUI can use some work, but works excellent!" - ikingapple
"Thanks for truly great app. I was looking for bookmarks manager for so long and failed to find one. Bought URL manager which simply did not work. Finally found this app and thought I do not write reviews very often I did this time because I am very very thankfull for designing something sensible and working. Thanks a lot. Would recommend." - MJ73333
"Efficient solution for keeping your Safari bookmarks collection clean" - Softpedia.com
"Safariのブックマーク整理に - 非常にシンプルで、困った人には非常に助かるアプリケーションです。 文字通りSafariのブックマークでダブっているURLを削除してくれます。 複数のWebブラウザを使いいろんなブックマーク共有アプリでぐじゃぐじゃになっていたブックマークをあっという間に綺麗にしてくれました。 ブックマークの大掃除に大助かりです。重服が消えればあとは地道に整理するだけ・・・" - Yoshiaki Amano
"깔끔하네요. 어디서 통합 됐는지도 모를 즐겨찾기가 수백개 달려있어서 갑갑했는데, 한방에 해결 됐습니다..ㅋㅋ 정신건강에도 좋네요..ㅎㅎ" - 니콘메냐
"No doubt is useful app" - @mcdigger.ru
"было 9 тыс закладок. после работы приложения осталось 600" - @murmurya
...read other reviews on my website.
If you have any feedback, questions or suggestions regarding to software, I would love to hear from you! You can contact me via email: appssalon.de/contact.
Take a look also at another my apps:
Aktuell - RSS news reader.
Aktuell for iOS - RSS news reader for iOS.
Duplikate - modern duplicate files finder.
Bookmarks Duplicates Cleaner - bookmarks duplicate cleaner for Safari.
Archiv - archiver and unzipper for 7z, RAR, zip, tar, bz2, gz files and dmg, iso, udf images.
Tresor / Tresor iOS - password manager with high level of security.
-> You can find it on my website: https://appssalon.de