BlogTouch for Blogger

OS X 10.10
The #1 Blogger editor for your Mac, iPhone and iPad! BlogTouch is the most powerful Blogger/Blogspot desktop editor. It’s equipped with everything you need to manage your blogs: write, publish, update or share posts and moderate comments. Everything at a very affordable and fair price. Be more productive and efficient with this powerful and straightforward tool - because at the end of the day, we all have something to share. MAIN FEATURES • Pay once, use it for a lifetime • Publish, update and remove posts from Blogger/Blogspot • Check and reply to comments • Work offline and publish articles only when you are ready. With automatic backup and synced copies you will never loose your ideas • Switch between multiple accounts and blogs • Live preview before publishing • Create scheduled posts for later publishing • Safely remove your posts by sending them to the recycle bin (offline storage) • Sort your posts by title, created/updated dates or comments count • Share via Twitter, Facebook, E-mail and many other networks • Now you can work outside clunky web interfaces and avoid browser problems RICH TEXT EDITOR • Format text (bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, super/sub script), change fonts, text color and style or alignment • Add pictures from the Web or from your Mac • Control picture size live by click and drag • Embed video from Youtube or any other platform • Add tables, lists, links or horizontal lines • View and edit HTML code • All objects (including images, links, tables, videos) can be controlled easily (add, edit properties, delete) SUPPORT We read your support emails every day, day by day. Write with confidence any question, feedback or complain and you will receive an answer in a very short period of time.