** bim.aero requires a Metal compliant 3D device **
bim.aero allows you to produce BIM contents a posteriori, keeping your mind away from BIM related issues, all along your processes of design or drawing.
bim.aero takes full advantage of the latest Mac technologies and features, to raise your 3D models to BIM databases. Once your 3D model is imported in bim.aero, you can extend it with a BIM hierarchy, simply connecting and populating the BIM entities by dragging and dropping your 3D objects and layers. Then, you have complete freedom to enhance such entities with standard quantities and properties (Industry Foundation Class™) or by creating yours.
If you need to export your « BIMified » model in IFC2x3™ format, you can buy our PREMIUM PACK extension inside the software. This extension also offers you a complete set of powerful tools to search in your new BIM database, and allows you to extract specific components to apply a common property, or to massively change some of their attributes, for example.
bim.aero is also a powerful 3D visualization tool. It can dynamically render your model, and take advantage of the Metal API to show explicit details with many kinds of rendering options and tools. You can prepare and store these views to advantageously and dynamically illustrate your thought.
Elegant BIM composition at your fingertips
• User-friendly and modern Mac interface
• You can attach any kind of data to the elements of your 3D model
• Create and compose your BIM hierarchy and visualize it alongside the imported ones
• Add BIM entity and connect it with geometry via drag & drop of your imported geometric components
• Add quantities and properties from standard IFC™ sets or create and manage yours with our integrated dictionaries
• Edit your attributes, quantities or properties massively, on multiple entities at once
• Locate your components by simply clicking on a map
• Follow history of operators on any individual components
• Manage privacy
• Save and enhance your work into our BOA file format
• Undo/Redo everywhere
Sailing through your data flow
• Visually navigate through your model
• Pixel accurate selection of the model components into the 3D view
• Intuitive and powerful hierarchical selection and pass through selection
• Hide and show any scene components including rendering styles and store all the states into a view
Connection area
• Visually show the connections between all of the components of your model, simplifying its understanding and management
• Easy navigation through the links
• No need to select an element to modify its attributes
Rendering with style
• Dramatically improve your message with top notch real time rendering features
• Metal powered rendering view, with fine details, antialiasing and Retina support
• Custom rendering option set to any of your entity (you can create any number of these sets)
• Fully configurable camera and orthographic camera
• Compose your rendering sets according to your wishes
• Accurate per pixel transparency (with fresnel term, etc.)
• Cut planes to reveal the most important details
• X-Ray
• Basic lighting features and Heliodon
• Textures and transparency
• SKP & SKB (Sketchup™)
• 3Dxx (3DTurbo™)
• FBX (Autodesk™)
• DXF (Autodesk™)
• 3DS (Autodesk™)
• OBJ and MTL (Wavefront™)
• STL (3D Systems™)
• DAE (Collada™)
• ABC (Alembic™)
Built for the Mac
• Use the last macOS features, as iCloud Drive, Metal, etc.
• Optimized for 64 bits and multicore processors
• Retina, multi-monitors, multi tabs…
PREMIUM PACK (in-App purchase)
• Extend bim.aero capabilities directly into the software (in-App purchase)
• Export your BIM model in the IFC2x3™ industry standard (you can then import it into leading BIM design software, as Revit™, ArchiCAD™, …)
• Misconceptions and issues are displayed into the console
• Add powerful searching, filtering and capture tools to extract specific data from your models
• Selection objects as bookmarks of your searching results.