Bike Ride 3D – Rides in 3D

OS X 10.12
Bike Ride 3D finally adds the third dimension to your runs and rides and allows you to create beautiful 3D models of your rides and runs! The app features: ‣ Load streams from files • The app supports GPX, TCX and FIT files. ‣ Full Strava support • This app is powered by Strava! • Load activities, routes and segments from your profile. • Load activities, routes and segment using the corresponding Strava ID. • Colorized model: The single segments of the route are colorized by gradient (elevation data is mandatory to use this feature). ‣ Coordinate Optimization Algorithm • The coordinates are used to create the model are optimized by an algorithm. This significantly improves both the performance and the quality of the model. ‣ Fully customizable model Once the stream is loaded and the model was created, you can adjust the model to your liking. • You can use the built-in editor to crop the stream and focus on that extra steep ascent. • Stretch the altitude and change the transparency, the scale or the route thickness. • Select one out of three model modes: Use the GPS coordinates or create a line or a circular model. ‣ Adjustable camera • The camera can be rotated, zoomed and moved. • This allows you to emphasize some segments of the route. If you have any questions or feature requests, please contact me!