Bencher – Status Bar Menu Birkat HaMazon – ברכת המזון ברכון

OS X 10.5
Did you just eat a sandwich? We know you did, look at all the crumbs on your keyboard! Do you wish you had a quick and easy to use Bencher to thank G-d for all that food? Well, now you do. Well, only if you run a Mac. RustyBrick has built a Benching app for your Mac, running OS 10.5 or greater. It contains Birkat Hamazon, Al Hamichya, Borei Nefashot, Asher Yatzar and more. Even better, the app is Smart Siddur enabled just like our iPhone Siddur. On Rosh Chodesh, it changes to show you Yaaleh Veyavo - it just knows! Note, this version does not ask for your current location, thus we do not know if sunset has occurred and thus cannot know when it is the next Jewish day until the next English day. So when benching with version 1.0, please know this. A new version will be out soon to give you this location based smart siddur feature. Finally, the word "Free." Yes, it is free - enjoy it! Features Quick Statusbar Menu Bencher "Smart Siddur" Launch At Startup Hebrew Date Benching Al Hamichya Borei Nefashot Asher Yatzar More! To launch at startup, make sure to select "Always Start at Login" from the menu.