Battery Logger

OS X 10.10
应用程序来计算电池的使用。 应用程序将开始计数时从笔记型电脑的电源线被断开,并连接电源时,将复位计数。 在睡觉,或关机时,应用程序将忽略该计数,但仍然记录这些活动,以供参考。 最后的结果取决于多么沉重的系统使用CPU,硬盘,屏幕亮度等,或电池本身的年龄。 REVIEWS: ***** Trysta1217: This app performs a function I have been wishing for for ages. Instead of trying to keep track of exactly how long your battery actually lasts this app does it all for you perfectly. I got the new 2013 MBA and I wanted to see how close I was getting to Apple's quoted battery estimates. With the help of Battery Logger I now always know exactly how long I've been on battery (without sleep times being included but you can see that too). I also really appreciate that it saves old stats so I'll be able to see how well my battery life holds up over the lifetime of this computer. (If anyone is wondering so far Battery Logger shows the 2013 MBA battery is fantastic) Thanks to the developer for providing this! It is basically perfect as far as I can tell. ***** i_Aamir: If your trying to find out your Mac's exact battery usage, just like on the iPhone and iPad this is the one and only app that will do it perfectly! I've been using since I got my MBP-R and it’s been great in showing me how long my battery actually lasts! Would definitely recommend to everyone!