OS X 10.6
Copy, sort, save and organize your files into tree structure folders according to file's creation date or last modification date. It is really a smart tool for organizing the collection of your photos, spreadsheet, receipts and documents. Hundreds of thousands of pictures will be automatically copied to the exact folder of the correct year, month and day with just a few click. Watching the number counts and listen to the beep after each file was classified. Please enjoy your collection, as all memories exact located at it's time! features: - COPY files only, will not harm your original collections; - automatic overwriting protection, never worry about files in SAME NAME; - can handle ANY kind of files in any file extension; - automatic structure the directories according to either file creation date or modification date; - beep after each file processed; - total files processed can be read out at real time; Tips: - never worry about overwriting, your photos in same name will be processed like "my lover(2)", "my lover(3)"… - if you find some files were sorted to the folder of year 1900 around after processing, that means the file had lost the information of its creation date before by any reason, please point to that 1900 year fold and process the folder again with "File's last modification date" check box selected. It will not only be organized to the correct folder, but also be "repaired". version history: v1.05 -> v1.08 - updated feature request panel - more detailed technical support email templet - more detailed feature request email templet - updated more by dragonBTV panel