--- v1.80 for macOS 10.12 Sierra is here! ---
Batch convert documents to and from a variety of formats!
It can convert an entire folder of files, even if they are of mixed formats.
- Whole-directory conversion in seconds;
- Supports formats: rtf,html,txt,odt,docx,doc,rtfd,xml, and webarchive;
- File folder opens automatically after conversion;
v1.30 -> v1.36
- handle all cap letter suffix now, like DOC, RTF,HTML;
- add beep after each conversion of each format;
- add feature request menu and alert;
- add "more by dragonBTV" panel;
v1.36 -> v1.60
important upgrade!
- more compact white color interface;
- auto save last all input format selection;
- none input type selected alert;
- featureRequest Alert updated;
- add dock menu;
- more detailed technical support email templet;
- more detailed feature request email templet;
- updated more by dragonBTV panel;
- About menu updated;
v1.60 -> v1.80
- updated to macOS Sierra 10.12 and still compatible to OS10.7 and above
- interface adjusted
- dock menu modified
- app menu rearranged
- all deprecated function are replaced
- all file operation are changed to Sandbox compatible
- icon modified
- change color of all popup alerts into white
- option "beep after each file" deleted for faster conversion
- More apps by dragonBTV is simplified by displaying in App Store directly