BarnQR-Code Reader & Generator

OS X 10.9
BarnQR is a simple and easy to use application to create coloured Barcode and QR codes. It also allows you to scan Barcode or QR code using FaceTime, external web camera or even you can scan any code using image by browsing on file system. Also allows you to manage history of create and scanned codes in simple and easy way. App also allows to calculate check digit for EAN8, EAN13 and UPAC. It also has shortcut to increment / decrement EAN and UPAC code and auto generate check digit, copy generated code digits to clipboard. Below type of Barcode’s can be created: Aztec Codabar Code 39 Code 128 Data Matrix EAN-13 EAN-8 ITF PDF417 UPCA QR Code’s of below type can be created, however there are many types of QR code format but we have limited ourself for initial version with below types: General (Any free form text) Location (Google map based) Contact (vCard support) SMS Email Phone Number Scan code: Barcode or QRCode can be used scanned using iSight camera or by browsing file on filesystem. Other features: Choose foreground and background colour for codes Output image width and height as per the need Margin around QR code (white space from edges) Email code from app itself with details Save code image as png / jpg Print code image Save created or scanned code to history for later use Ability to send email to Support from “Help” menu item Delete saved code Generate QR-Code's in bulk using single line CSV file Once any scanned to created code is saved to History for later user, app provide more options for each type of code. Below are major features per code: Barcode - Allows product search on Amazon and Google search as well. Contact - Add to “Contacts” or “Save as vCard” SMS / Phone Number - Add to “Contacts” Location - Show on Google Maps or Direction from current user location Copy text to clipboard Note: Location services are required to generate the Location based QR codes. Help us to improve the application by sending your suggestions at or leave a review.