Intel 64 / OS X
$ 10.00
BackupLoupe provides answers to such questions as: Why does Time Machine take so long to back up my files? Which files are actually being backed up? Has a particular file/folder been backed up at all? How many revisions of a file/folder exist in Time Machine? A file/folder was deleted accidentally. When did this happen and where is the latest backup? Is my backup drive big enough? Should I consider buying a larger one? And if yes, when? In addition BackupLoupe provides intuitive ways to restore any item backed up by Time Machine to any location or exclude directories from future backups. Features Quickly identify the items which take up the most space History: Show how many versions of an item are available and when they were saved; Quick navigation between versions Integration with other applications via System Services: Click on an item in Finder to find all its revisions Drag-and-drop restore items to any location Finder / Path Finder integration (Reveal, Info) QuickLook support Provides extensive statistics about backups Instant identification of file type while browsing Open files directly without restoring them first Find function, which works without the backup drive being connected Browse backups while the backup device is not connected Exclude items from future backups on the fly (without opening TM preferences) Handles multiple Time Machine disks Handles backups in non-standard locations