OS X 10.6.6
Browse effortlessly through the complete collection of Johann Sebastian Bach's chorale harmonizations, annotated with harmonic analyses using Illiac Software's cutting-edge music analysis engine. Perfect for music teachers, theorists, Bach enthusiasts, and anyone interested in learning traditional music theory. Key features: Contains all 371 of J. S. Bach's chorale harmonizations Easy to use controls for browsing Each chorale is analyzed and annotated showing key centers, modulations, Roman numeral analyses, and non-chord tones Search chorales for a specific chord symbol, sonority type or voice-leading error Listen to chorales using the playback controls Created by the makers of Harmonia, a groundbreaking software and web based teaching platform that is transforming how teachers deliver and students learn music theory. About Illiac Software, Inc.: Founded in 2014(?), Illiac Software celebrates the pioneering history of computer and computer music research at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Built in 1952, the ILLIAC (ILLinois Automatic Computer) was the first automatic, electronic, digital computer built and owned entirely by an educational institution in the United States. Five years later, Lejaren Hiller and Leonard Isaacson composed the Illiac Suite for string quartet, which is recognized as the first computer-generated music score. Illiac Software continues in this tradition, using advances in computer technology to bring educational solutions to 21st-century music learners.