OS X 10.7
VideoSpy is a tool to get information about video files recorded with a camera. Those files can contain a lot more information which may be useful. Usually this meta information is not easily accessible as it is encoded into the video stream. For example, VideoSpy can retrieve the original date and time of the recording, the original time code on the tape or even some of the camera settings used during recording of the footage. Some cameras will add GPS data as well. So you can even read that information. Dependent on the software and equipment used to transfer your source material, the video content can be in different container formats. VideoSpy supports all commonly used containers. • Quicktime movies • MP4 movies • MTS/M2TS/TS files • AVI files • DV streams VideoSpy can read the meta data from a variety of sources and cameras. • DV (used with cameras using MiniDV cassettes) • AVCHD (used by many HD cameras) • movies recorded with an iPhone or iPad • movies recorded with the built-in iSight camera of your Mac (using Quicktime Player) • screen recordings made with Quicktime Player Of course not all of the video files contain all the information. What information is stored in the files depends on the vendors of the camera. Computer generated content will never contain any camera settings for example. If you have used a video editing software and rendered your video to a new file most of the original information is lost. To check your files and see which meta data is available in your files you can download the free version first.