Audio Convertor

OS X 10.10
Audio Convertor is a audio converter app. It supports almost all input formats. You can converter video and music to other audio formats. You can extract audio from video. It supported audio editor. Supported more than 100 input formats: mpg, mpeg, mpeg 2, vob, voc, dat, mp4, m4v, ts, rm, rmvb, wmv, asf, mkv, avi, 3gp, 3g2, mp3, mpc, m4a, wav, flv, f4v, mov, h264/x264, 1080p/720p HD, avr etc Supported 33 output formats:mp3,aac,ringtone,itunes,m4a,wav,aiff,amr,flac,ac3,ogg,caf,Apple Lossless,TrueAudio,wma,eac3,spx,w64,adx,ast,au,dts,ffm,lbc,sf,mmf,rso,wv,voc,adts,mka,mp2,opus. Batch Conversion • You can convert a lot of files at one time • You can add a file or remove a file Audio Edit • Support trim the audio • It can make some audio files to be one • You can add a new audio to the audio • You can remove the added audio • You can adjust the play speed • Support undo and redo • Support history edit view • You can use it to play the audio Audio Play • Support play your music Get Audio Information • Get information include: format, file size, duration, overall bit rate, album, track name, bit rate, channel(s), sampling rate, language etc Track Information Editing • You can edit title, artist, album, genre, date, track, language,comment, etc Advanced Settings • You can set the sampling rate, channels • You can select the codec: copy or codec • You can change the volume • You can set how many threads to converted the file • You can set the start time and the duration to trim the music Update to ffmpeg 2.4 Support Retina If you have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail me.