ArtHandler – Artist’s Record Book

OS X 10.9
CATALOG YOUR ARTWORK • Keep track of your artwork. Add metadata like artist, title, media, year, dimensions, duration (for time based pieces), location and price. • Add as many images and PDFs as you like to each artwork. Preview them in ArtHandler and export them as needed. • Easily find artworks via the search bar. • ArtHandler automatically converts measurements from metric to imperial and vice versa. ADD NOTES • Add your personal notes to each artwork. • Notes are a good place to add information about sales, references, crate sizes, press mentions, exhibition history, etc. CREATE CAPTIONS • ArtHandler creates captions from your artwork’s metadata. • Copy captions with one click and paste them as needed to your emails, word processor, graphics editor or desktop publishing application. SHARE YOUR ARTWORK • Share your artwork via email, Twitter, Facebook, … • ArtHandler utilises macOS’s Share extensions. As soon as a new suitable Share extension is added to your system, it is available within ArtHandler. PRINT • Print images. • Print artworks (image & caption)*. * Printing artworks is available on macOS El Capitan and newer. EXPORT • Export your ArtHandler database as CSV or JSON file. ArtHandler never prompts you for a review. We value your workflow too much to interrupt it. If you feel generous and have a couple of minutes, please leave a review. It makes a huge difference to us. Thank you in advance! We love hearing from you! Get in touch with us at