Archive catalogs the contents of your removable media and devices such as CDs, DVDs, Flash Memory Drives, HDs, etc. so you can quickly find the information you are looking for even when those devices are no longer connected to your Mac.
Key features include:
• Fast & efficient catalog engine: Archive rapidly catalogs and efficiently stores information about the contents of any device or folder you select.
• Quick searching: Find files from a catalog, group, or all your catalogs by name or extension or create powerful custom searches.
• Catalog update & naming: If you select an existing device or folder to catalog, Archive offers to catalog it with a new name or update it.
• Multi-column browsing: Can't remember what you called a file? Archive lets you easily browse through your catalog contents.
• Organize your catalogs: Create groups so you can quickly find the catalog you want to browse or limit your search to.
• Detailed info: Archive stores and displays file names, locations, creation & modification dates, size, and labels.
• Sidebar for easy access: Archive provides a central location to select and filter your catalogs & groups and access your searches.
• File launching: Found what you were looking for? Connect the device and Archive can attempt to launch it for you.
• Archive 7 automatic data import: Archive verifies and imports your catalogs & searches into a new efficient format when you first open the app.
• Feedback: I want to hear from you. Archive has a built-in interface to send your comments, questions, suggestions and bug reports.
• Help: With the built-in help interface you can browse topics in the contents list or quickly filter the topics to find the answers you need.