App School for Xcode and iOS 10 Development

OS X 10.6
Learn Xcode 8 and how to build apps for iOS 10 using Swift 3. The only training app for Xcode 8 using Swift 3 in the app store! COMPLETE IOS 10 DEVELOPER COURSE. Includes step-by-step video tutorials, PDF booklets, and Source Codes you can export. App School for iOS 10 teaches you how to build apps using Xcode 8 and Swift 3 for the iPhone and iPad. If you are an expert developer this app is not for you, but if you are a beginner who wants to learn how to make real applications following a course that is not too difficult this app is for you. This app includes video tutorials showing you how to build many different kinds of apps and utilize different user interface elements. Also includes written tutorials and source codes, making it easy to follow along. Some of the topics included in these tutorials: - Adding labels and showing popup messages, changing label text - Learn how to create a full blown camera app and apply filters - Map kid based apps, showing maps in standard and satellite views - Zooming to locations on a map - Using PickerViews - Full TableView tutorial - Learn how to customize the appearance of a table view cell with colored labels and images - Learn how to use a webview to display a web page - Create a UICollection type app - handy for making wallpaper apps with thumbnail previews - Build a tabbar application - Learn how to print documents - Display PDF documents in your apps - Handle media and play Audio and Video files - Play remote videos stored on a server - How to share to Twitter and Facebook - Sharing via email or saving images to device - Accessing the Camera and Photo Library - Using Core motion to detect acceleration and access gyroscope data - Showing banner ads and interstitial ads in your app - Gesture recognizers - Responding to screen touches and drags - Dynamic animations and Snap Behavior PLUS : Get free updates as we add new tutorials. And more! Imagine being able to build your own iOS apps and work as a developer or submit your own apps to the app store. These tutorials are current: - Uses Xcode 8 - Uses Swift 3 programming language - Builds apps for iOS 10 FEATURES: - Includes Video Tutorials showing how to build each app from start to finish - Includes written PDF tutorials - Export Sample projects 26cde9276d