App for Outlook & Hotmail

OS X 10.7
App for Outlook & Hotmail that gives you fast and instant access to Outlook, Hotmail and/or Live mail directly from your toolbar. Keep up to date with your mail faster than ever. Just click the App for Outlook & Hotmail icon in your toolbar and sign it with your Outlook/Hotmail/Live account, its that simple. You can either run the app with a dock icon or without. App for Outlook & Hotmail is also including a stand alone mode, run the the application with native desktop feeling, right from your dock. App for Outlook & Hotmail is still in a early version, new features will be added along the way. Legal Note: App for Outlook & Hotmail is a 3rd party app and is not affiliated with Microsoft what so ever. Outlook & Hotmail and its logo is trademarkes of Microsoft Inc.