AP US History Flashcards

OS X 10.8
Study for the AP US History Exam with 1439 flashcards. Here is a list of the categories and number of flashcards included in the program: Pre-Columbian Societies – 35 cards Beginning of Colonization – 154 cards French and Indian War – 41 cards The Revolutionary War – 38 cards Articles of Confederation & The Constitution – 54 cards Jefferson’s Presidency – 57 cards Jackson’s Presidency – 66 cards 1840s and 1850s – 52 cards Antebellum Society (North and South) – 36 cards Tension Between the North and South leading up to the Civil War – 50 cards Civil war – 49 cards Reconstruction – 62 cards The Frontier – 31 cards Industrialization – 42 cards Urbanization - 46 cards Gilded age - 37 cards Imperialism in America - 35 cards Progressive Era - 67 cards WWI - 39 cards Roaring 20s - 42 cards Great Depression - 18 cards New Deal - 41 cards Road to WWII - 34 cards WWII - American Involvement - 29 cards Cold War - 42 cards 1950s - 21 cards Civil Rights Movement - 10 cards Foreign Policy in the 1950s and 1960s - 14 cards Vietnam - 26 cards 1960s Social Rebellion - 22 cards Nixon - 29 cards Post Nixon - The Reagan Years - 48 cards 1990s and the 21st Century - 42 cards Total: 1439 cards which cover all the main concepts and topics that you will need to know to do well on the AP US History Exam. Cards were created by professionals and are the highest quality. This took hundreds of hours of research to compile the right information that will actually be tested on exam day. The program itself offers various features and options for a great and convenient learning environment which include: - Ability to Randomize cards - Can Flag cards for later use - Grade cards by using gestures - Study only missed cards, only new cards, only correct cards, flagged cards, or study all cards - Study all categories or selected categories - Timed mode to automatically flip card and advance cards. - Ability to edit and delete cards - Convenient statistics panel to see progress - Can change background color and text color - Can change text size - Can see back of card first