OS X 10.8
The all new AnyConvert !! Convert various units easily with this app. It offers a total of 478 Units in 24 categories. The app is designed to make conversions from one unit to another as simple as possible. AnyConvert contains categories like currency, data size, fuel efficiency, length, etc… For a full list see below. Customize --------- - Fade out categories and units you never need - Rearrange units and categories by drag and drop - Choose a color scheme to fit the appearance to your liking Currency -------- - Always up to date currencies. Let the app automatically update currencies or update manually. Categories of units ---------------- - Acceleration - Angle - Area - Currency - Current - Data size - Density - Energy - Force - Fuel efficiency - Illumination - Inductance - Length - Magnitude - Mass - Power - Pressure - Radiation - Image Resolution - Temperature - Time - Torque - Velocity - Volume