Discover hundreds of Yoga Poses, exercises and workouts that will enhance your fitness with this superb collection of 279 video guides and lessons.
Use this app as a “Video Referencing Library” where you can come back for a refresher lesson or search for how to do something new.
App features:
** Edit the video title, subtitle and keep your own set of user notes.
** Move the video around it's group and even change it's group.
** Make videos your favourites and give them your own rating.
** Search by title or notes.
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** View by history the last ten played or visited videos.
Lessons include:
Mini Yoga Workout 1 of 37 Strengthens and stretches the low back
Mini Yoga Workout 2 of 37 Half Moon Pose Head to Knee
Mini Yoga Workout 3 of 37 Cat Stretch Cobra Pose of the Child
Mini Yoga Workout 4 of 37 Kneeling Lunge Twist Modified Side Plank Archer 1
Mini Yoga Workout 5 of 37 Standing Knee Raises Supine KneeLeg Extensions Side-lying Dancer
Mini Yoga Workout 6 of 37 Sun God Dancer
Mini Yoga Workout 7 of 37 Cat Stretch Downward Facing Dog
Mini Yoga Workout 8 of 37 Yoga Curl-ups Bridge Supine Twist
Mini Yoga Workout 9 of 37 Back Attitudes Half Locust Pigeon
Mini Yoga Workout 10 of 37 Standing Elbow Twists Modified Boat Twist Supine Diamond
One leg king pigeon pose leaning back - Yoga Body Secret with Waka Yogi
Scissor legs - Yoga Body Secret with Waka Yogi
Tip toe pose - Yoga Body Secret with Waka Yogi
Stargazer pose Waka Yogi DVD
Bridge pose with arms extended - Yoga Body Secret with Waka Yogi
Warrior 2 pose leaning out Waka Yogi DVD
Bound angle pose reclining on a bolster Waka Yogi DVD
Extended puppy pose - Yoga Body Secret with Waka Yogi
Monkey lunge pose with one hand up Waka Yogi DVD
Revolved lunge pose Waka Yogi DVD
Temple pose Waka Yogi DVD
Wide legs forward bend pose Waka Yogi DVD
Raised arms pose in a lean Waka Yogi DVD
Raised arms pose in a twist Waka Yogi DVD
Raised hands pose looking up Waka Yogi DVD
Warrior 2 pose with back arm curled Waka Yogi DVD
Warrior 2 pose in a twist Waka Yogi DVD
One leg king pigeon pose 2 with leg back Waka Yogi DVD
Revolved side angle pose Waka Yogi DVD
Knee lift Waka Yogi DVD
Low lunge pose with a twist Waka Yogi DVD
Goddess pose with arms in eagle Waka Yogi DVD
Lunge pose with wide legs Waka Yogi DVD
Raised arms pose with hands crossed Waka Yogi DVD
Baby cradle pose standing Waka Yogi DVD
Raised hands pose Waka Yogi DVD
Revolved side angle pose with hands together with back heel up Waka Yogi DVD
Side stretched out pose in a half bend Waka Yogi DVD
Tree pose with hands in side eagle Waka Yogi DVD
Side stretched out pose with hands behind Waka Yogi DVD
Rocket cat Waka Yogi DVD
Lunge pose Waka Yogi DVD
Side stretched out pose with hands bound back Waka Yogi DVD
Goddess pose in a twist Waka Yogi DVD
One leg cow face pose Waka Yogi DVD
Cobra pose Waka Yogi DVD
Goddess pose with arms up and crossed Waka Yogi DVD
Chair pose on the toes with hands bound back Waka Yogi DVD
Down dog pose with leg up Waka Yogi DVD
Extended side angle pose with arm behind Waka Yogi DVD
Goddess pose in a forward bend arms bound back Waka Yogi DVD
Goddess pose in a forward bend with arms crossed Waka Yogi DVD
Warrior 1 pose preparation Waka Yogi DVD
Warrior 1 pose with hands wide Waka Yogi DVD
Crescent moon pose Waka Yogi DVD
Low lunge pose with arm up Waka Yogi DVD
Goddess pose Waka Yogi DVD
Down dog lunge pose Waka Yogi DVD
Shoulderstand pose preparation Waka Yogi DVD
Revolved side angle pose with hands together Waka Yogi DVD
Warrior 1 pose with arms crossed Waka Yogi DVD
Side angle pose with hands bound back Waka Yogi DVD
Warrior 1 pose with arms wide Waka Yogi DVD
Low lunge pose in a backbend Waka Yogi DVD
High lunge pose Waka Yogi DVD
Cowboy negotiation pose - Yoga Body Secret with Waka Yogi
Arrow lunge pose - Yoga Body Secret with Waka Yogi
and many more