OS X 10.6.6
Afanche3D is a real professional level 3D tool to visualize, measure, analyze, convert, modify, print and collaborate on a variety of 3D models. It is super fast and very easy to use. There is no learning curve to master the software. The price of the software is just a fraction of similar products offered by our competitors. Main features of the software include: Open many popular 3D formats including STL, IGES (.igs/.iges), STEP (.stp/.step), SKP (SketchUp), SCDOC (SpaceClaim), X_T / X_B (Parasolid), JT, PLY, OBJ, 3DS, DAE (Collada), DXF (Autodesk), DWF, IFC, Blend (Blender), VRML, LWO, AMF, SHP (ESRI), TER, SMD, Q3D, Q3S, MDL, MD2, MD3, MD5Mesh, CSM, ASE, B3D, OFF, AC, MS3D, NFF, RAW, ASC, CSV, PCD, XYZ, LiDAR (.las/.laz), NAS, MESH, UNV, APT, G-Code (CNC) and many others; View models in 3D, spinning, panning, zooming in/out with perspective or orthographic projection Support texture uv mapping Measure distance, location, volume, area, length, radius, angle, thickness, boundary and many more Sectioning view to see inside of the 3D model better Scale, translate, mirror, rotate individual 3D part for modification Open multiple files in the same window Turn individual parts on and off to better view the model Export in STL, DAE, DXF, OBJ, VRML, PLY, OFF, 3D HTML and ATD formats Support notes and assets management for better collaboration and record keeping This software is product of Afanche Technologies, Inc. Afanche Technologies is a company specialized in 3D technologies. Afanche offers high quality low cost 3D viewer apps on all popular platforms. For more information about other 3D tools offered by Afanche Technologies, please visit our website http://www.afanche.com