Access Language Arts

OS X 10.6
Access Language Arts is based on the curriculum Teaching to Standards: English Language Arts, which was created by Attainment Company and East Tennessee State University. Research has shown both the app and curriculum to be highly effective in teaching language arts skills, that are directly aligned to the Common Core Standards, to students with an intellectual disability or autism. The literature pieces chosen for read alouds in Access Language Arts app are among those typically used in the middle school curriculum. The adapted stories in the app are Neighbors, Sadako and a Thousand Paper Cranes, The Diary of Anne Frank, We Beat the Streets, The Outsiders, Number the Stars, Holes, and Dragonwings. Components of systematic instruction are embedded in the app's script are: constant time-delay procedure, system of least intrusive prompts, and feedback. Support for research and development of this app was provided in part by Contract ED-IES-13-C-0031 of the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, awarded to Attainment Company, Inc.