Acc Image Batch Process

OS X 10.7
It's A good tool for batch processing images Use Acc Image Batch Process to: - Batch rename use customse format - Batch resize - Batch rounded corners - Batch and log or watermark to images Features: 1, Batch Renmae images: Renaming according to the rule. Such as to rename 100 images with the name BatchImage###, start from 1, then the first one’s name is BatchImage001 and the 100th's is BatchImage100. you can customize the rename format,like myphoto####,capimage### 2, Batch Resize images: there are regular and user-defined resolution and keep aspect-ratio or not can be chosen for user-defined resolution 3, Batch Rounded corners'effect: Create Rounded corners for images and for PNG and GIF files, round corners are transparent. 4, Batch add logo or add water mark Add another image(png,jpg,gif,tiff...) as the water mark and set the water mark location according to the coordinate(x, y) (The four corners of images can be used as coordinate (0,0)) 5, Support major image output formats.,like jpg, png, gif... 6, Easy to use,only drag image,and click start,that all.