AcaStat is an inexpensive alternative to costly statistical software. AcaStat simplifies the analysis of data. Use drag and drop functioning to run crosstabulations, descriptive statistics, correlation, and common significance tests without learning programming code or complex interface commands. Enter data or paste data from a spreadsheet for analysis. Save system data files that include variable formatting and recodes. AcaStat produces frequencies tables, crosstabulations, descriptive statistics, correlation, multiple regression, logistic regression, and related significance tests. A summary statistics module includes 27 procedures for analyzing summary data. Includes formatted example data to explore features.
> Paste data or drag delimited text files into spreadsheet
> Import and export delimited data files
> Filter observations and use control variables
> Format variable and value labels, set missing values
> Compute, combine, and recode variables
> Print and save analysis results
> Create column, pie, and line charts
> Save z-scores, residuals, and predictive values
> Merge files to add records or variables
Data Module Statistics
> Frequencies
> Descriptives
> Explore means
> Independent and paired t-tests and one-way ANOVA
> Non-parametric tests: Spearman's rho, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
> Chi-square and association measures
> Correlation, OLS and Logistic regression
> Random sampling
> Diagnostic Accuracy
> Real Estate Tax Assessment
Summary Module Statistics
> Weighted Mean
> Z-Score
> Confidence Intervals (Mean/Proportion)
> Goodness of Fit
> Chi-Square Test of Independence (6x6 table)
> Z-Test of Proportions (One/Two Sample)
> T-Test of Means (One/Two Sample)
> One-Way ANOVA (6 group means)
> Z, T, F, Chi-Sq Distributions (estimates p-value)
> Diagnostic Accuracy (2x2 table)
> Epi Curve
> Epi Rate Measures
> Epi Rate Direct Standardization
> Epi Risk Measures
> Disaggregate Counts (creates a data file from summary statistics for the charts procedure)