OS X 10.6
ABXTester ABXTester is an Mac application to conduct ABX tests for you. An ABX test is a method to examine if you can distinguish two sound samples A and B. In an ABX test session, a sound sample X, which is randomly picked from A and B, is played, and you have to answer if the sample is either A or B. You repeat this trial multiple times and then get assessed if you can really distinguish A and B. ABX test and ABXTester are useful when you need to asses objectively if you can distinguish the difference in sound quality between two sound samples originated from same single sound source but with different compression ratios. Usage - Prepare two sound samples A and B with two different compression ratios from single sound source, or music. - Launch ABXTester. - Select the sound samples A and B. - ABXTester prepares five sound samples X1 through X5, each of which is randomly picked from A and B. For each sample, listen carefully and answer whether the sample is either A or B. - Check if your answers are correct. - If you could answer correctly for X1 through X5, you can proudly declare that you can distinguish the difference coming from the different compression ratios. Congratulations! Features - You can pick test samples A and B from your music files. - You can play test samples A, B and X during your test. - You can answer whether played X is A or B. - You can try five times in one test. - You can get the percentage of successful trials. Future Plans - Enable users to change the number of samples to try. - Enable users to save the test results. System Requirements - Mac OS X 10.6 or later Revision History - 0.9March 21, 2011First release