**** Upload on FACEBOOK, TWITTER and TUMBLR your Vintage Portrait Creations and use your Mac Camera to take photos!***
Finally after the iPhone, iPod and iPad version Absolute Vintage is available also for your Mac!
Absolute Vintage STUDIO LITE is the POWERFUL Vintage Portrait creator available for your Mac! An amazing suite that allow you to create Old look vintage Photo starting from your face or from your friend's faces.
With Absolute Vintage Studio you can select a photo form the library, put your face to another body, add several accessories like cigarettes and glasses, add old Frames to your photo and upload it directly on facebook, save it or email it with just one click!
This app is funny and easy to use and you can play with it for haours without stop!
The app allow you to do so many things to a photo and compbine various elements to obtain an extraordinary final image that looks EXACTLY like a 50 years old distressed photo.
You can add you face up to 30 (150 in the full version) different human bodies (75 woman and 75 mans).
You can add up to 20 different accessories (hat, cigarettes, eyeglasses,pipes and beards).
You can add up to 8 (30 in the full version) diffente old frames to your images.
You can ALSO open your EXTERNAL Photos inside the app and switch them to black and white and add a frame.
You can colorize with SEPIA effect, OLD BROWN or STILISH YELLOW whatever image you like and add a frame.
You can share you creations on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
EVERY image and frame comes from original photos (from 1930 to 1970 year) accurately scanned and processed with an image elaboration software for optimization.
Main Features:
- chose from 30 (150 in the full version) different vintage photo mask (75 woman and 75 mans)
- chose from 20 different accessories (hat, cigarettes, eyeglasses,pipes and beards)
- chose from 8 (30 in the full version) different photo frames
- 1 click facebook,twitter and tumblr image upload
- 1 click to send an image by mail
- save an image in photo library
In the working space, with the face processed, you can:
- rotate the face with the rotating slider
- zoom/scale the face with the zoom slider
- quick scale images +- 10% with dedicated button
- move the face everywhere in the screen
- mirror the face
- Add/remove 3 dirrent accessiories on the same face
- Contrast/Brightness: NEW!! You can modify contrast and brightness of the face with two dedicated sliders. There are two optimized algorithms behind these funtions and in the 98,2% of cases you'll be able to match the colour of the face with the skin colours of the mask!
You won't believe to the awesome final portrait results!
Absolute Vintage STUDIO LITE is 100% FREE fun with amazing Vintage Graphics, you love it!!
(by Daniel Kazibutowski) " I'm having so much fun with this app. I guess it is because I have a lot of friend pictures stored on my Ipad. But every time I'm finished processing one photo with this app. It never fails to produce a loud laugh from friends and family. It's pretty cool and gives you plenty of tools to control the picture for an almost perfect blending.
I'm very glad I purchased this one application. And if I may recommend another one, it would be the Gray/Color picture (I can't remember the name, sorry, but is has a green apple held by gray hands)."
ANY FEEDBACK are welcome so feel free to contact us for ANY Request.