AB3D (AB3DBasic)

OS X 10.7
AB3D (AB3DBasic) GENERAL INFORMATION Category: Education, Productivity. Version: 1.0.0 Language: English. Seller: AB3DLabs Company, ©AB3DLabs (Simprex 3D). PRICING AB3DBasic: $9.99 ABSTRACT AB3DBasic is AB3DLabs’s simplest design software that targets beginners in the 3D printing world, who have minimal to no design experience at all. It is an introductory app that familiarizes users with the concept of 2D to 3D transformation, before they can upgrade to the more sophisticated software; AB3DXtd, AB3DFull, AB3DPro. AB3DBasic introduces users to a new 3D modelling concept that relies less on manipulation of objects in 3D space, and more on 2D view integration. This concept allows users to change the way they perceive 3D design, and take on projects with a different mindset. AB3DBasic is also a learning tool for those who don't quite understand three dimensionality; with its "Cube View" it eases the 3D learning process. Draw sketches on the face of a cube and watch them transform into a 3D model with the click of a button. By sketching on the three faces of a cube, or using the front/side/top view modelling, users can learn how 3D objects are created out of 2D shapes.(AB3D Labs) AB3DBasic WORKFLOW By sketching on the three faces of a cube, or using the front/side/top view modelling, young minds can learn how 3D objects are created out of 2D shapes. It offers them a quick but precise way to create 3D models. With the simple interface, it takes less than 5 minutes to learn how to use the program, as well as supporting cross-platform integration (generates .STL and .OBJ formats which are compatible with other CAD solutions). FEATURE HIGHLIGHTS Designed for all popular platforms (iOS, Android, OS X, Windows). LIGHTWEIGHT FUN INTERFACE DESIGN Lean interface with minimal interference with the design. Every tool within mouse reach. Feature hints with videos. SEAMLESS WORKFLOW INTEGRATION Your Models can share on Facebook with the touch of a button. Export models in .STL, .OBJ. LIST OF AVAILABLE TOOLS Main Menu: New file, Load file, Save file, Settings, License, Solve, 3D Printing. Basic Tools (Circle Menu Tools): Copy, Cut, Past, Move, Scale, Rotate, Select. Drawing Tools: Square, Hexagon, Circle, Triangle, Eraser, Grid Pen, Free Pen, Text, Line, Curve, Arc, Zoom, Reset Zoom and Select. Text 3D Writing Tool: Text 3D ( English Language). Gallery Tool: Select and load it in the app. Cube Tool Cube Colors and Reset. Mode Tool: Copy front to front and side and draw circle to top. Copy front to all projection. Copy front to front and side and draw square to top. Draw square top and side. 3D Printing Tool: Export to .STL and .Obj COMPATIBILITY AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS OS X (El Capitan, Sierra ), Processor: 1 (GHz), RAM: 1 (GB), Free hard disk space: 100 MB. AB3DBasic VERSUS AB3DLtd? Supports Load file, Save file, Settings, 3D Printing features. Supports drawing with Square,Arc, Grid Pen features. Supports exporting to .STL and .Obj Capabilities.