BBEdit is the leading professional HTML and text editor for the Mac. Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software develop...
作为紧随 Windows 之后的第二大操作系统,macOS 得益于苹果生态,市场份额正不断提升,身边也有不少朋友入坑Macbook。 但有些服务如企业定制的办公软件、网银、大型游戏等无法在 Mac 上使用,拿 Excel 来说,在 Mac 上不仅功能无法完全施展,偶尔还会发生一些离奇事件,如 1+1...
本周微信 Mac 开发团队给了上班族乏味枯燥的生活添加了一丝乐趣,至少给摸鱼添加了新的花样,Mac 端的微信终于可以浏览朋友圈啦,同时支持了深色模式,还能在聊天中浏览视频号的视频以及直播节目。 在 Mac 端朋友圈已固定窗口的左右宽度尺寸,但是可以纵向拉伸窗口,朋友圈互动消息也会自动推送。整体体验还...
Narrated is a Mac app that allows you to create personal screen recordings by including your camera. Use it to record your presentation, talk your des...
Mp3tag is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files. Musicians, DJs, podcasters, and audio-enthusiasts use it for many different...