2013 World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia

OS X 10.6.6
The 2013 edition of Software MacKiev's award-winning WORLD BOOK multimedia encyclopedia captures the wonders of our world. See how a killer tornado is formed. Witness the notorious Berlin Wall coming down. Watch cheetahs running seventy miles an hour. See how ancient Egyptians made mummies. The journey begins here. World Book® Multimedia Encyclopedia is a remarkable research tool that provides an entertaining and involving way to access the full contents of the 22-volume World Book Encyclopedia, plus thousands of photographs, video clips, animations, famous speeches, historical timelines, editor-selected Web sites, and much more. The new 2013 World Book is completely up to date with more than 4,000 new and expanded articles from Arab Spring to Hunger Games, and from Jack Black to Whitney Houston, as well as gorgeous new photographs, video clips, and illustrations. Start your exploration from the “Waterstream” home screen where you'll see photos and video clips from the World Book Media Collection float by like leaves in a stream while matching music selections from Just Listening play in the background. Click any “leaf” and you are transported to the Media Center where you can learn more.